Wednesday, November 12, 2008
End Of The First Semester As A Freshman
It couldn't come any sooner. I still remembring stepping foot the first day trying to adjust to this new world of "college". Such a different transition from high school to college. Not as difficult as I thought though. It was much faster than I thought it would be. Learning came fast, tests came fast, presentations came fast, and reports couldn't come any faster. It was a change for the better. This is a big step in my life before I step into the real world and I have a long way before I do that. With a major of Legal Studies and an interest in being a Lawyer, I have a long way to go then be happy about one semester being over. Atleast I know what to expect now and I am able to be even more prepared for the future semesters. Bye Freshman: Semester 1, I'm sorry, but you won't be missed.
"Finals" are here? How does one prepare for this "Final"? Why does this "Final" determine whether I pass or fail a class? Why is there so much pressure being put on me? Where do I start studying? Where shall I begin? How do I set it up correctly and accurately? This one test can make me or break me? All my work will mean nothing without this "Final"? Do you still wonder why people stress it so much? This will affect my current GPA as well as my future GPA. This is the one and final way a professor will find out if you have been paying attention and if you deserve the grade they had in mind for you. "Finals" are weighed so much and without a passing grade, all your hard work will positively mean nothing!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I've been telling people over and over again, "Go out and vote!", "Let your voice be heard!", and you know what, I think they actually listened. Barack Obama dominated the election with the new voters and the young voters. McCain was nowhere in reach of Barack Obama in the 18-29 years of age voters. The time for change is now! Time for America to get back on its feet and become the dominant and successful country it has been known to be and with Barack Obama as the new president, there is no question about it that the United States of America will hold its head up high once again!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
One stays strong by moving on. One builds strength through weakness. One avoids wrong through learning experiences. One stays away from the bad to initiate the good. One understands life through the obstacles involved within it. One will feel pain, but overcome it through patience. One who witnesses death can almost feel it. One who interprets murder, must be a murderer. One who sees life as gold is the successful one. One who treasures knowledge takes advantage of the opportunities that will make one knowledgeable.
News Update: November 4th? Election day? It's in 6 days?
Are you voting? Where do you stand? Are you registered? How do you feel about your choice? Is it right? Is it wrong? Is it what your friends chose for you? Or did you come up with the decision yourself? The most important and most talked about election of our time is just around the corner, but do you know what's going on? Do you know your candidates? Do you know their choices? Do you understand their running mates? Do you approve of their running mates? DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT THEIR IS AN ELECTION? What did you think about the three debates they had? What about the one debate their running mates had? Are you watching them and listening closely? You can't vote, if you're not registered, are you registered? Is this election important to you? Voting is November 4th, this is your time to be heard, this is the time for change, are you ready for change?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A Loss?
Everybody wants to win, nobody wants to lose, correct? Sooner or later, even though some people deny it, they do lose. Losing separates the ones who succeed from the ones who fail. The difference is the one's who accept losing, are failures! The ones who look at the loss and move forward from it and never backtracking are the ones who succeed. All of my friends are successors, none are failures. If I hang out with failures, it might rub off on me and in this time of my life I just can't have that. The way I see it is that error happens to everyone, but the one's who succeed are the one's that improvise. I will always improve and strive for success!
Stress happens to everyone. Stress does not pick and choose whom it attracts. It occurs when there is a strong amount of work, temper, and energy being drawn within a human being, but not able to let it all out. Stress is not a good feeling. I've heard stories that lead to death from stress. Why is life so stressful to some? Some people take life more seriously then they should and that all builds up towards corruption. Don't get me wrong, life is a very serious matter, but not every thing in life is needed to be taken so strongly. Relaxation is key. If you feel that work is building up on you, just sit back, take some deep breaths, and relax. There are many things nowadays that can help relieve stress. Life doesn't have to be jam packed, it can be approached differently. A massage can help you, not only relieve stress, but think about the situation and other options through or around it. Life comes at you fast, and when it does, it is always good to have a back up plan or idea of were you want to take it.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
News: Presidential Debate
Tonight is the third and final presidential debate between John McCain and Barrack Obama. This is huge. This is the finale before voters put their choices to the test in November on Election Day. Are you a registered voter? Have you been watching the debates? Where do you stand in society? Can you answer these three questions? At least one of them positively? If you can't, then you have a serious problem. We are in such a crucial time, that every little part of the economy, and what the economy does, counts. Every individuals opinion counts and the votes do matter, avoiding the fact of the electoral college process. America needs change! We, as a whole, are part of this change! We need to make the effort to make change. Are you the one who always argues about the world? Well this is your time to make change, stop stalling, get up and vote!
Thinking Forward
One should think forward, not presently, because the present changes everyday. An individual should also never think back because it already happened. Why look back, when the past has occurred? Why look at the present, when it ends every second? The idea is to look past the present and look for the future because the future holds your faith. We live for the future! We don't live for what happened in the past and what's currently happenning. We live to succeed in the future. If we lived for the past, we'd be stuck in time and most likely lost in the mind. If we live for what we get in the present and take it like it is, then life can hit us with a consequence that we won't know the answer to. Live for the future, and the future will guide you towards happiness.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Perfect Place
The perfect place. Everyone is treated as equals, not just spoken about being treated equally. People will have the right to speak of what they believe and why believe it, without any negativity floating their way. Religion is a freedom of choice and no matter what religion, people look at each other the same, for religion is not a factor in determining the kind of person someone is. Race is not a problem here. People see one another as human beings, not as a color. Color is ignored, for color is not an importance. Such a diverse world, such a new world, such a perfect world. Money is not an option for it is not used. Everyone is so friendly with one another as if they were best friends for years. Sharing is common, and greediness is rare. For to make it in this world, an individual has to be the best person they can be throughout their life. No murders happen, no one dies of natural causes. Diseases doesn't exist, for everyone will live their entire life with wit. No troubles are found, and success is always near. Can this world exist? Is it possible? It seems so fantastic, but could never happen. For the world is full of jealousy and greed, and that limits others abilities to succeed. It's nice to dream for this can never be real. The perfect false.
News: Hip-Hop
Hip-Hop having a role in this upcoming presidential election in November is huge. Hip-Hop is working its way into politics and its making an impact. Hip-Hop artists and rapper speak if their opinions within their lyrics. These lyrics attract the young people, also known as the young voters between the ages of 18-25, because they most likely to listen to Hip-Hop and dissect the points the artist is trying to make. I recently attended an even in Manhattan that was titled "Hip-Hop's Role in the Presidential Election." With all the diversity in the elections, from women to an African-American man, the young voters votes are critical. Therefore this discussion was about the role that Hip-Hop plays in the young voters choice. This is the young peoples generation, this is the time for the young voters to finally stand up and let their voices be heard, loud and clear!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Mystery Woman
There she was, standing about five inches away from me. I can almost feel her, but I don't. I can almost love her, but I can't. I smell her silky smooth hair as it caresses my smell senses. I hear her whisper the song on her i-Pod that she is listening to. I notice her hair slowly move down her back as she unwraps her pony tail. I get an eager smile on my face thinking about running my fingers through her hair. I thought about it a lot if I should speak with her, but always held back. I think today is the day I finally have a conversation with this beautiful mysterious woman. She is not like other women, something about her makes her different. She enjoys life and all its qualities. She loves to ride this subway all through NYC in the morning and night commute, for she works in the city like myself. I see her every morning, I sense her presence every night. We take the same part of the train every day and night. Does she notice me like I notice her? Or is it a coincidence? Could be a coincidence, yes it has to be, but a coincidence for two months straight, sounds a little odd, no? Makes me wonder if she feels the same. Does she notice I'm only a couple of inches away from her all the time she rides the subway? Can she feel my breath on her shoulder in the crowded cart? Can she love me? Does she notice my expression when I take a sniff at her hair? Does she see my eyes attached to her lips as she lip sings? Does she realize how close of attention I pay to the unwrapping of her hair as it slowly works its way down her back? I will not speak with her today for I have many questions to be answered. As those questions begin to be answered, more questions will come up, leading to a never ending chain of procrastinating...
I Am Who I Am
I am who I am for who I am makes me different. The ability to be different is all upon my decision. Difference is the key to success, for success only comes to the different. The likes of the same people, does not attract many. Difference withstands being like others. The world is about being diverse. For a different quality doesn't come in many quantities. I am different because I choose to be different. I want to be pointed out in a crowd just by my appearance, but also be able to back it up with my diverse intelligence. To be noticed, an individual has to be different. If you're in a class and the teacher asks a question, to be different, an individual raises their hand. To stay the same as everyone else, they keep their hand low. In places like a University, a person who wants to stick out, will get involved with all they can and do their best to get involved even a little in other areas less interesting to them. A regular person will sit in their car during their brake, they will go home right after classes are over, and will not get to know other individuals who might share the same interest as them. Difference will advance an individual in school, in their career, but most of all in their life.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
First Game
Here it is! The moment we've all been waiting for! The first game of the basketball season. A lot of hard work has been put in and now is the time to show it all off. Coming into this game as the underdogs. Coming in as the new guys. People see them and think to their self that they cannot possibly have any talent. Little do they know that they enjoy being underdogs and coming up big is their specialty. The time has passed, and go time is now. No more stalling. Hide your butterflies and man up. If they see a sense of fear in your eyes, it's all going down hill from there. Stand your ground, play your position, and kill them on the shooting game. This is what it's all about. Prove yourself to be different. Prove yourself to be better. Know that the world is watching and they want to see physical play. Learn that basketball is like life, it's about taking chances. The smarter the chances are, the better you will be. If the chances are a slim to none option, move on to the next play. Big plays are needed, but smart play is what it's all about. Sharing the ball is the cure to a win. Winning is the chance for joy. Joy will lead to more wins! No "Michael Jordan's" need to be made here. Only team players exist on this team. Their is no "I" in "Team." If you miss a shot, brush it off and do something better on the next play. Have a defensive stop or a nice assisst and you'll be back on the money. No grudges are held here. It's not every man for himself. It's one for all, not all for one. The idea is to be on the same and nothing will go wrong, right? ...
The Reason
Why this choice? Their has to have been reason behind this decision. People don't just go around shooting other people. It's a crime. Crimes happen for a reason. Behind every bad, their is good behind it. Not necessarily to the victim, but good for the criminal or person accused of wrong doing. Their is a reason behind these accusations, behind these criminal minds, behind these faulty decisions. People choose to do wrong for satisfaction, not just to do it and get no benefit. What could have been the reason for this murder? What was the motivation? How can someone get satisfaction out of murder? Their has to be a story behind it. Could it have been for love? Maybe just out of pure anger, but anger that lead to satisfaction. The emotion was different before and after the incident. It couldn't have been the same emotion. The criminal had to have been happy somewhere before or after this murder. To think about something like that disgusts me. To know someone gets pure satisfaction out of seeing another human being bleed to death and pass their soul on to the heaven world, sickens me to a puking point. I am in need of this reason. I am losing my mind trying to figure out this reason. Why oh why would someone do such a thing. Kill for their happiness and sadden so many others. It's the devil taking over an individual's body and making them do this. No chance a regular human being living a regular life would do this. It has to be someone living a tough life. Rich people don't go around murdering people. It's the needy and starving for more that go around hurting others and taking what others have because they don't necessarily possess it, even if it means taking away their happiness. Disgust trembles within my body. Fear risens within my surrounding atmosphere. It gets me wondering if someone would do something to me of such sort. This makes me think about my past life time and all the wrongs that I've done to people. I didn't mean to hurt them, and definitely didn't and don't want them to hurt me. I was just having fun, right? Can't blame me for that, right? I feel so wrong. Excuse me, I have to make some calls...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Friend & Friendship
People see the word "friend" and automatically assume it is the same as a "friendship." Little do they know that they are fairly mistaking. To misread such a difference shows the weakness of the human mind. The person who notices this very drastic difference, is one who is rare. For the ability or chance of realizing and going in depth into these two very interchangeable words, takes time and patience. Are some people curious of the difference? Probably not. Do some people even care for it or know their is a difference? Most likely not. To put this out their is my choice and if it's read and understood, then great, but if it's misinterpreted and ignored, even better, because nobody thinks and feels the same way as everyone else. I got this specific idea from the great philosopher, Aristotle himself. I will describe and expand on this great philosopher's ideas. When an individual has a friend, they speak of something so plain and simple, someone who is used for their own beneficial needs. A "friend" is someone who is taken very lightly when not needed for their specific mission. They are not wanted around if their "job" is done. To have a friend is such a vague approach. Individuals have many friends, but not many friendships. The idea of the "friend" is to receive satisfaction from that individual for an area and after that, the person is useless after your pleasure has been reached. While on the other hand, their is the likes of a "friendship", which entitles an individual to have the same likeness or need for the other person as they need or like them. Basically it is an equal relationship in all aspects. A "friendship" is a very rare thing to find and have, but when found can only being wonders to one's life. For having a "friend" can only last so long because an individual has many of those, but each for a different reason, while developing a long lasting "friendship" can mean an improvement of one's life and wisdom. The idea is not to only receive satisfaction, but enjoy another individual's presence for any reason it may be. The strength of a "friendship" lasts forever, while the use of a "friend" disappears after their purpose is used up.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Life: Lived & Conquered
Why do we live? Do we live for the purpose of our own good? Or do we live to make life better for our surroundings? Or maybe we live to enjoy life's qualities and just make them that much better. I mean everyone has a different reason for living. Everyone has there own specific idea of life and what they want from it, correct? So why all this confusion? What can a person be so confused about that they cannot function properly? Maybe confused of life and its whereabouts? Why do we exist? What is our purpose and our target? Everyone is entitled to their own point of view and own ideas. Some live just for the success of themselves, others live for the happiness of seeing others succeed. While one would like to think most live for the success of their self and the enjoyment of seeing others around them filled with the same success or even greater. Life is here to be lived. Take a step forward, never take two steps back in that same move. The ability of the individual shows a lot. It shows what they can withstand, how they can withstand it, and how they will prevent it from occurring in the future. Life is not easy. You're not brought into this world with ease. As you grow up, one realizes what life is all about and all the obstacles that have to be conquered in order to proceed further and be one of virtue. Life at one point needs to be conquered for the better. If an individual takes "life as it comes" to them, success will be of even further reach. Luck is a tough thing to latch onto. It's even harder to maintain. An individual's ability should be the only luck they need. For one to only believe in luck only means danger for one's career and one's future. Conquering life does not mean disobeying and abolishing it, it means to be as productible as possible while an individual is living this so-called "life." Living life is mandatory, but conquering it is optional. It all relies on the person and their "craving" for the better and successful life.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Her Eyes
I stared at her so intimately, not knowing what to expect. When I stared at her eyes, I could not notice my surroundings. Everything I needed to know was right there, in her deep, passionate, loving eyes. I can solve the world's deepest secrets by looking into her eyes. I can explore all theories when I stare into her eyes. I am able to discover expirements unthought of before, but only when I look into her eyes. Only when I look into her eyes do I see the meaning of true life. I see opportunity and hope. I see my ability to understand the past and make it become a better future. My troubles disappear when I see her big eyes looking back at me. It's almost as if I melt inside, knowing that their is hope. All my obstacles and hard work has finally come through for me with her caring eyes. They watch over me and make sure I do well...but for how long. How long will they stare at me? Will they seek another individual who is better and look at them? Will all this pleasure go away as easy as 1,2,3? I can't take that chance. I must do something before they are gone from me for good. Without her eyes, my life is pointless. I need a direction, her eyes are my direction. I feel so confused. Why would she leave? Why would she look in another direction, other than my way? I want her all to myself. I am greedy and proud of my ability to grab and hold on to her forever. Nothing else about her matters because her eyes take me to a newer place, a better place. I never want to let this feeling go. The anticipation of knowing she will be their everyday gets me so excited. I must be on top of my game. I have to succeed her standards because if I don't she can move on. I don't want her to move on! Her eyes are mine forever. I will stay by her side for all she needs. When she weeps and cries, when she laughs, I will be their to experience it all because even though it's not the individual herself that I'm after, her eyes define my world and open my eyes to newer dimensions. She will be mine forever and...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Truth
It was right there, well in reach, but I failed to grab it. It stared at me so strongly. I fell on my knees in weakness. Not knowing the power it possessed until I finally felt it take over me. Frightened I was to be in such vulnerability. I thought I had made the right choice, but I have never been so wrong. It was my fault, but I did not take the blame for my actions, and now it just sits there staring at me, awaiting the day I confess. It taunts me, haunts me, intimidates me, and flaunts the power it has over me. It laughs when I cry, it shows no sympathy towards my pain and mistakes. I shall not give in. I made my decision and I stand by that choice. i will not fall to such a level of begging for forgiveness. The staring keeps getting so stronger and I start to see it more. Every corner I turn, it's there in a car awaiting to hurt me, but I slip away. Every store I shop at, it's the cashier taking care of me so rudely, so I just walk out. Uncaring it tries to befriend my family. For this is when I lash out. I cannot stand the hating and stalking anymore. It has gone too far. It's time to face the truth. It was my fault. I finally told my mother that I was the one who ate the last cupcake, which was for my brother, and not my sister as I had accused her of doing. I spoke to it and said "Are you happy now? I confessed, now leave me alone and let me be!" It, my conscience, just looked at me and smiled, and slowly faded away into the darkness of my mind.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Dream
It was a dark and gloomy place. No voices can be heard. Nothing in sight. I figured I was the only one left, but after what? I could not remember much, if anything at all. I was curious of the cause of all this darkness. Where is the light that I was in search for? I was frightened, but could not show it. Showing it might mean showing weakness, and that was the last thing on my mind. I could not see my path, I spoke, but all I heard was my echoes. It was as if I was trapped at the bottom of the earth, with no place to go, but just to look and think of possibilities. The thoughts seemed useless. The searching seemed lifeless. I was nowhere near help. I heard a voice, but it wasn't so clear to me. I could of sworn I heard my name being said and telling me to get up. I thought to myself I am up, but the only thing is that I cannot see. My eyes are open, but the darkness makes them feel closed. Their is a more clearer view when my eyes are closed then their is when my eyes are open. I walked and walked, but it felt as if I was in a maze with no ending. The sound that I was hearing became clearer, it was a woman's voice. It was saying "Wassim, get up, wake up, it's time for...". It was my mother's voice that I was hearing. I was confused and lost, but only lost in my own mind, for my answers and my way out, was to open my eyes and wake up...
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