Wednesday, October 15, 2008

News: Presidential Debate

Tonight is the third and final presidential debate between John McCain and Barrack Obama. This is huge. This is the finale before voters put their choices to the test in November on Election Day. Are you a registered voter? Have you been watching the debates? Where do you stand in society? Can you answer these three questions? At least one of them positively? If you can't, then you have a serious problem. We are in such a crucial time, that every little part of the economy, and what the economy does, counts. Every individuals opinion counts and the votes do matter, avoiding the fact of the electoral college process. America needs change! We, as a whole, are part of this change! We need to make the effort to make change. Are you the one who always argues about the world? Well this is your time to make change, stop stalling, get up and vote!

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