Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Dream

It was a dark and gloomy place. No voices can be heard. Nothing in sight. I figured I was the only one left, but after what? I could not remember much, if anything at all. I was curious of the cause of all this darkness. Where is the light that I was in search for? I was frightened, but could not show it. Showing it might mean showing weakness, and that was the last thing on my mind. I could not see my path, I spoke, but all I heard was my echoes. It was as if I was trapped at the bottom of the earth, with no place to go, but just to look and think of possibilities. The thoughts seemed useless. The searching seemed lifeless. I was nowhere near help. I heard a voice, but it wasn't so clear to me. I could of sworn I heard my name being said and telling me to get up. I thought to myself I am up, but the only thing is that I cannot see. My eyes are open, but the darkness makes them feel closed. Their is a more clearer view when my eyes are closed then their is when my eyes are open. I walked and walked, but it felt as if I was in a maze with no ending. The sound that I was hearing became clearer, it was a woman's voice. It was saying "Wassim, get up, wake up, it's time for...". It was my mother's voice that I was hearing. I was confused and lost, but only lost in my own mind, for my answers and my way out, was to open my eyes and wake up...

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