Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Truth

It was right there, well in reach, but I failed to grab it. It stared at me so strongly. I fell on my knees in weakness. Not knowing the power it possessed until I finally felt it take over me. Frightened I was to be in such vulnerability. I thought I had made the right choice, but I have never been so wrong. It was my fault, but I did not take the blame for my actions, and now it just sits there staring at me, awaiting the day I confess. It taunts me, haunts me, intimidates me, and flaunts the power it has over me. It laughs when I cry, it shows no sympathy towards my pain and mistakes. I shall not give in. I made my decision and I stand by that choice. i will not fall to such a level of begging for forgiveness. The staring keeps getting so stronger and I start to see it more. Every corner I turn, it's there in a car awaiting to hurt me, but I slip away. Every store I shop at, it's the cashier taking care of me so rudely, so I just walk out. Uncaring it tries to befriend my family. For this is when I lash out. I cannot stand the hating and stalking anymore. It has gone too far. It's time to face the truth. It was my fault. I finally told my mother that I was the one who ate the last cupcake, which was for my brother, and not my sister as I had accused her of doing. I spoke to it and said "Are you happy now? I confessed, now leave me alone and let me be!" It, my conscience, just looked at me and smiled, and slowly faded away into the darkness of my mind.

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